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Directions to Syke Barn

Using the postcode (LA12 8JT) in a SatNav can get you close but can sometimes take you to the wrong location.

This link will pinpoint Syke Barn on Google Maps - Syke Barn location

Please note, if using a smartphone for navigation only EE and BT networks have coverage at Syke Barn. Other networks will struggle or be non existent in the valley.

The Ordnance Survey map coordinates are: SD 339 891

For those without SatNav or other electronic navigation aids here are directions from the M6.

From M6 northbound and southbound leave the motorway at junction 36 (signposted Barrow/Kendal)

At roundabout at end of slip road turn left (if travelling northbound) or right (if travelling southbound) onto the A590 dual carriageway (signposted Barrow A590).

In about 3 miles take the left junction to stay on the A590 (signposted Barrow A590).

At roundabout at bottom of slip road take first left onto A590. Stay on the A590 for about 11.5 miles, at Newby Bridge (about 300 yards after roundabout) turn right off the A590, over the bridge towards the Swan Hotel.

The road bends left in front of the hotel, then immediately keep left into lane, signposted (small!) to Rusland.

Stay on this lane, over the railway bridge and in about half a mile from the railway bridge turn left, then immediately straight over (slightly to the right signposted Satterthwaite).

Stay on this lane for about 0.7 miles until you have to give way at a junction on a bend, here turn right.

Stay on this lane until you reach the first left (in about 2 miles) by a post box, take this turning (signposted Oxen Park/Ulverston). Follow this lane around a right hand bend, down a short hill and you will see Syke Barn at the bottom. Parking is on the grassed area on the lane to the right of Syke Barn, in front of the sign post 'Private Parking The Syke'.

Syke Barn map location

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